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The Ritual Night One ( Astral Work )

Last night I focused a lot of my work for the Ritual in the astral plane. My astral temple has moved now, a new one has came along, right in my back yard. I had no idea that our Ritual fell on the Super New Moon! What a great time to do this working. During the New Moon we take our negative traits and transmute them into positive traits! If you've ever read The Spirit of Alchemy, by: Karen A. Dahlman then you know how much of an Alchemical process this is.

After spending 7 hours outside in the sun, I wasn't ready to do a full blown ritual so I had layed down in bed and began to sink into myself. As I sank into myself I felt my breathing start to slow, the energy in my body radiating but focused mainly in my center. I find myself outside my own house, this is where my newest Astral Temple is. There were so many beings of light, also the Goddess was there, Venus! Pan was there as well, acting like the horn dog he is, which was a great " breath of fresh air ".

I'm not sure what beings were there besides Pan and Aphrodite but these tall beings were made of pure light. They sparkled with this very deep, cobalt blue energy. Again, I have no idea who they were. My gut and my head both tell me they were from Neptune or associated with Neptune and this working.

I found a beautiful black chord for my working, which still has to be done, the knot magick itself. I held this in my hand as I drifted into the Astral realm. I made my intent known that my compass was for all beneficial energies, all energies that are going to aid in this working. As I walked thrice counter clockwise around my designated area, in the Astral Temple, Neptune or Pan took his stang and hit the ground with it, loud enough and hard enough to actually shake the earth. I could see the energy crackling around me, a bubble almost of blue and pink sparkles. This is when the " Blue-Beings " appeared. My grandmother was watching over, from above, for the entire ritual.

When making an intent in the astral and on the verge of sleep/projection it's THAT much more powerful. Your subconscious mind better soaks this message/intent up and hence makes it easier to manifest in the physical realm. So they know my intent, I made it loud and clear. I could hear myself scream the intent. " Everything in my life, everything negative is going to be transformed through this Ritual into positivity, things will transform in the best possible way, for the greater good of all.

It felt like I spent hours in that compass just soaking up the energy from all the different beings surrounding me. Pan comes up to me and hugs me like he normally does, he takes up my hand and kisses it and then he kisses my forehead, both shoulders, my throat chakra, my heart chakra, Navel and root chakra. The Goddess does the same only in more of a motherly way, not as sexual or sensual as Pan.

Now I begin to drift off to sleep. Right before I do slip into dream land, both Pan and Aphrodite approach me and take my cord and kiss it. Pan takes the cord and wraps it around his Penis. They both look at me and without saying anything with their mouths, telepathically, I hear " Your cord is empowered ". I could feel it in my entire being that my intent was heard and has already started to manifest itself. I kept hearing songs being sung about renewal, rebirth and change. The flute was softly playing of in the background, near the pines. The entire astral visit was one of the most refreshing ones at that.

So now tonight I will begin my actual Ritual. Did any of you participate last night? If so what types of visions, dreams, messages did you receive? I am still in awe that we are doing this during the New Moon, it really makes me think this is something that needs to be done for myself. What do you think?

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