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The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within "

My entire intent for this ritual is to bring us BACK into our places of power. Those that have disenfranchised us, those that have labeled us with not so nice words, those that bully us, those that have demonized our ways, Gods, Goddesses', practices and rituals. Sex was very sacred up until Christianity came and embedded it in our brains that " all sex is sinful ". They've brain-washed this world into believing that our inner NEEDS, pleasures and desires, self-pleasure, self-satisfaction are BY nature, sinful when in FACT they are not. Let's reclaim that power, that primal energy back into ourselves. Let's not let this hinder our spiritual practices, ways of living or worship. All acts of love are divine and a divine expression.

So, let's begin this ritual on a Friday night. Make sure you wear anything that is going to make YOU feel good, sexy, sensual, and empowered! A nice shower or bath before hand never hurts either! Spritz yourself with perfume, or your favorite Cologne, make it all about YOU! You are taking back your power.

Once you've showered, you have your ritual attire on, you feel good, you feel sexy; handsome, divine, feel the love of the God and Goddess. Know in your heart that this is going to be a ritual act of divine pleasure. If you have a wife/husband/partner feel free to include them in your Ritual as well! So, are we all dolled up and ready to go?

You will need:

1 White Glass Votive Candle

1 small bowl ( Terra cotta pots with no holes work great )

Olive oil or Vitamin E oil. ( Any healthy oil will work well )

A few red rose petals

A dash of Red Sandalwood ( powdered )


1 pinch of cinnamon

1 Red or Black Marker ( or paint )

1 1 foot long white Chord. ( You can use white yarn, ribbon, etc..)

Mortar and Pestle



Offering Dish

Dagger or Wand

Once you've gathered all of your ingredients you will want to wash the new small bowl and cleanse your chord. Let the bowl dry outside if possible. Once you have all of your fabrics cleansed, your bowl is dried, take your red or black paint ( or maker ) and make the sign of Venus on the bowl.

While you mark the jar with the Sigil of Venus envision the sensuality and abundance of self love and love, power and energy going into that sigil. Once you've focused on the sigil for long enough, you will see it start to fade in and out. This is your subconscious storing the sigil. Let the paint dry, or maker if you choose to use a marker, that works just as well. When the paint/marker has dried you are ready to lay your compass.

Lay your compass by taking up your stand in the north, while dragging it along the ground around yourself and your working space, create a hissssing noise, like that of the ancient serpent coiling up and slithering around. Walk three times counterclockwise, the whole time you must have your intent clear on what this compass is for. So you can come up with your own chant or rhyme to fit the ritual.

Now that you've cast your compass it's time to invite the WitchMother and the WitchFather into your compass, along with Venus, Aphrodite, any Ancestors you wish to be with you, any energies that you feel will help heighten your ritual and make it THAT much more effective. Remember, you CAN and do have room for your own creativity.

In my previous blogs I do include the Invocation of The WitchMother and the invocation of The WitchFather/Pan/The Horned One/Old Horny. You CAN use these or you can use your own words. Whichever makes you feel best!

Now that you have laid your compass, you've invited the Witchmother and Witchfather into your compass, and any other energies you feel beneficial, you are ready to begin!

I am assuming that you are going to be doing this in or near your altar, or even in your bed, if you are with a partner, perfect! If you are alone that is just as good, you have the spirits with you! Take all of your herbs and put them in your mortar and Pestle. Take your oil of choice, make sure it's going to be OK for your skin, we don't want you having any allergic reactions. Grind the herbs and the oil together to make a paste/watery substance. Almost a paste but more on the watery side. If you are with a partner and you have pre-secretions add that to the mix of herbs and oil!

Lift the bowl up in front of the altar and intone:

" Aphrodite, Venus, Pan, Azazel, The Horned One, WitchMother, WitchFather, I ask your blessings upon this mixture of life, of love, of power and passion! Infuse this mixture and fix it in your fashion, to fit our passions ! "

Take your dagger up and gently raise it into the bowl. As you do this visualize the energy in your compass and from you/your partner exploding from the dagger into the herb/oil mixture. This is the sacred reunion, the sacred marriage. The dagger being phallic in nature, the bowl being the womb in nature.

Now light your white candle, mark the glass with your middle finger of your left hand, with the sigil of Venus. See that sigil fully imbued with a blue light. Let the sigil fade in and out as you stare at it. Once the sigil starts to disappear and reappear your candle is charged. You can now place your candle next to the bowl of herb/oil mixture.

Now take up your white cord, remember the chant for the Chord magick? Use that! If you don't want to use that as you tie 9 knots spaced evenly throughout your chord, use your own chant as you go. Focus on bringing that power of the God, Goddess, the love and primal desires into your body and direct it into each knot your make in your chord. Continue this until you have completed your 9 knotted cord.

Now anoint your cord with the herb/oil mixture. By this time you should be raising quite the energy, this energy should be sexual, sensual, empowering, loving and raw! If you have a partner you can SAFELY perform sex magick. If you are by yourself, acts of self-pleasure are great too.

While you are engaging in these sacred acts you are building up even more energy, bringing that primal desires, love, and power to yourself, in your compass. Take up the bowl of herb/oil mixture and anoint your forehead with the sign of Venus, now anoint your chest with the sign of Venus, next your pubic area, now the tops of your feet. If you are with a partner, do this for one another. Make it a very sensual act of love and pleasure. If you are by yourself, make it the most erotic yet sensual act. Feel those feelings, feel your fingers in the mixture, then anointing yourself in the same fashion as before.

Now this is the time to either continue to make love with your partner or continue to complete the act by yourself. While doing so make sure you really feel those energies around you, the power, passion, the beauty. Let your mind KNOW that you ARE free, you are free from any brain-washing, anyone that has ever told you that these acts of self love and love with another are wrong! Break those chains, be in the moment and work your magick!

Once you feel yourself coming to climax you can do a few things here. If you are with a partner, let the bodily fluids mix together, and then anoint your cord with it. If you are by yourself you can sit in an upright meditative position, that of Baphoment and ejaculate. Rub the bodily fluids on the cord. Mix some more of it with the herb/oil mixture. Anoint your cord once again with the mixture. You can also anoint the white candle as well, with your own fluids or you and your partners, also with the herb/oil mixture again.

Upon climax make sure to make your intent known, shout it out if you have to, weave it into a chant, or a spell, sort of an ending to your ritual. You can lay there now and just relax, focus on one another if you are with someone, feel the love between you two, feel the love for yourself, feel the God, Goddess, feel that energy in you and absorbing into every single pour of your body.

Once you are done with your acts of pleasure, you can continue for a second or third round if you wish! The more energy the better, is what I feel. Take your chalice and fill it with something to drink. It can be wine, water, anything! Get a piece of bread and complete the red meal. I will give a link to the blog on how to perform the red meal.

Take up your dagger, wand or your besom now and " sweep " the circle away. Sweep it clockwise, taking that energy back into yourself and back into the earth. " For some is given, so some is taken, in here lies a mystery ". Take your cord and keep it in a very safe place, a sacred place. Create a pouch for it. Let it dry very well before you do this.

After you've performed the red meal you are going to want to take your offerings outside to a tree or a cross roads. You can dispose of them there, including the mixture of herbs and oils. Keep your candle marked with Venus along with your cord. Those are the only two things that you will need/want to keep after you are finished.

This ritual is based on my own personal research of Sacred Sex Magick, the lost arts of the Goddess and God! You can perform this ritual for three nights in a row, or you can do it Friday, then the Next Friday and then the Next Friday. You have so much more room in this ritual for creativity. So, by all means make this your own! Have fun with it, soak up the love, the power, all of the primal energy back into you. Thank all of the energies for everything that they have done. Your ritual is now complete.

" The Ritual "

My thoughts on this ritual in video format.

Cord Magick

Below is a link to my Blog on; Casting The Compass Widdershins

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