The Beast ~A Short Story~
" The Beast " The beast, he lives in me, he's a part of me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the beast impregnating the fare maiden,...

Beltane Magick and Astral Visitation !
So, did you guys know that Beltane actually runs from March 30th-The Summer Solstice? Ancient pagan traditions have led us and shown us...

Casting The Compass Widdershins and Risky Photography!
So you are all probably wondering why I'm laying with a Ouija, half naked, with some pretty risky underwear on! That door that I've been...

Spirit - Threads and Knots in Witch-Magick
For most purposes a nine-knot spell can be effectively employed by the contemporary witch. Whilst concentrating intently upon the...

Invocation Of The Witchmother
As noted in my video here is the Invocation to the Witchmother! " Come, infernal, terrestrial, and pale Hekate Goddess of the cross-road,...

Poppet Magick " The Little Spirit Doll "
The little soul or spirit doll you make to look exactly like yourself ( or as close as possible ), as well as if you are working on...

The Witch's Foot and The Crossing
This shape is one of the most powerful symbols. the middle line running through the center is the God-Stane, stretching from Elfhame...

Channeling Ren The Chihuahua
This has to be one of the best sessions I've done in a while. I had the amazing oportunity to speak with the most loveable animal, a...
The ZoZo Phenomenon
A very good friend of mine and his dear friend, Darren Evans and Rosemary Ellen Guiley have a book coming out! Make sure to spread the...
Questions And Answers! Behind The Scenes Reading Your Comments!
So, I recently, well about 35 episodes ago to start doing a live question and answer! Here is the latest one, I'll be sure to upload...