Invocation To The Holy Guardian Angel
This rite is designed to provide a short yet inspired working of Invoking The Holy Guardian Angel, from which one shall seek the...

The Beast ~A Short Story~
" The Beast " The beast, he lives in me, he's a part of me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the beast impregnating the fare maiden,...

The Ritual Night One ( Astral Work )
Last night I focused a lot of my work for the Ritual in the astral plane. My astral temple has moved now, a new one has came along,...

2 Florida Boys Go Missing *Boat and iPhone Found*
So a while back two teenage boys from Florida went missing. They set out for a little fun on their boat and they never came back. When...

The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within "
My entire intent for this ritual is to bring us BACK into our places of power. Those that have disenfranchised us, those that have...

Snakeskin and Sin
My latest vision that I do believe came from Aphrodite, Venus, Pan, The Horned one. This one was super intense, highly energetic and...

Visions and More Visions Of Ecstasy
I was pulled from my Grandmother's farm house. We were sitting, talking, having coffee. Jesus was there in Spirit Form, along with a...

Casting The Compass Widdershins and Risky Photography!
So you are all probably wondering why I'm laying with a Ouija, half naked, with some pretty risky underwear on! That door that I've been...

Spirit - Threads and Knots in Witch-Magick
For most purposes a nine-knot spell can be effectively employed by the contemporary witch. Whilst concentrating intently upon the...

Ordering Mega Tea-Lights
I am beyond grateful that you all love the homemade, Jumbo, Tea-lights I've offered in the past and now THEY'RE BACK!!! These candles...