Invocation To The Holy Guardian Angel
This rite is designed to provide a short yet inspired working of Invoking The Holy Guardian Angel, from which one shall seek the...

Dedication of Lilith's Pendant
Here is a very simple technique that I was inspired to do, to Sain, or Bless a pendant and to dedicate it to the Goddess Lilith. Here is...

Ritual To Honor Lilith on The Full Moon
This ritual is a general outline for those that are wanting to join in on the Ritual for Lilith on the 21st of this month. It happens to...

The Beast ~A Short Story~
" The Beast " The beast, he lives in me, he's a part of me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the beast impregnating the fare maiden,...

"The Ritual" Sacred Sexuality and Madness -Realizations-
Well ladies and gents our Ritual is officially over now. How did you guys like this ? What did you experience? During this period of...

The Ritual Night Two (Sacred Sex Magick)
Last night was night two of " The Ritual " and it was amazing! So, I won't go and babble on you all I'll just get straight down to the...

The Ritual Night One ( Astral Work )
Last night I focused a lot of my work for the Ritual in the astral plane. My astral temple has moved now, a new one has came along,...

Extra Extra! Spirituality, Magick, & Sexuality Oh My!
As of late I've seen so many different reactions from people regarding my Photography. Well, I am here to explain to you why exactly...

Beltane Magick and Astral Visitation !
So, did you guys know that Beltane actually runs from March 30th-The Summer Solstice? Ancient pagan traditions have led us and shown us...

Ponderings & Sacred Ritual Acts
A really dear friend brought something up to me today regarding my recent possible seizure. Quite a while ago my grandmother came to me...